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Coronavirus Update- Wilton-Based Testing, Reminders & Vaccine and Case Data

December 30th- Our Lady of Fatima at 229 Danbury Road is sponsoring COVID-19 testing performed by Progressive Diagnostics.  Information is... more ››

Coronavirus Update- COVID Property Tax Deferral Program, Small Business Webinars, Eat Local Winners & Vaccine and Case Data

December 28th- The application and information for the Town’s COVID-19 Property Tax Deferral Program are now available ... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Vaccine Prioritization/Scheduling, COVID Property Tax Relief, Christmas Storm & Vaccine and Case Data

December 23rd-We’ve received questions about qualifying under Phases 1.b or 1.c and sign up for the vaccine during those phases.  The... more ››

Federal COVID Relief Bill

Congressman Jim Himes' Office provided the First Selectwoman's Office with the following summary of programs for businesses and individuals... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Vaccine Changes/Update, Small Business Assistance, Shop Local Winners & Case Data

December 21st-The CDC issued new guidance for vaccine distribution.  Phase 1 has been expanded into three phases, Phase 1.... more ››

Coronavirus Update- New Travel Order EO 9S & Case Data

December 18th- Today, the Governor issued ... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Roads, Friday and Weekend Events & Case Data

December 17th- Thank you to Wilton’s DPW drivers who have been out since last night plowing and salting roads.  Drivers are performing... more ››

December 17th-Most Town Employees Working Remotely

Today, most town employees are working remotely.  Email or phone contact information is available on each department's webpage.  Thank you... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Hospital ICU Data, Vaccine Update, Police Awards, EO 9R-Tax Relief & Case Data

December 16th – Yesterday, the NYTimes provided searchable hospital ... more ››

Changes to Hours-Storm and Holiday Related

Storm Related Changes:

Coronavirus Update- Storm Prep & Case Data

December 15th –In light of Wednesday’s forecasted weather event,  Wilton Seniors Drive-... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Firefighters/Bright Lights, Possible Winter Storm & Case Data

December 14th – Wilton Firefighters recently joined Wilton’s Bright Lights initiative by lighting up Fire... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Vaccines-On The Way, Shop Local Winners & Case Data

December 13th – This afternoon, Governor Lamont ... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Toys for Tots Generosity, Eversource Investigation & Case Data

December 10th –Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating. Wilton’s generosity is overflowing in response to this year’s Wilton Firefighters ‘... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Support Wilton’s Small Businesses, Senior Drive-Thru Lunch, Phase 1.a. Vaccines, COVID Testing Sign-Up & Case Data

December 9th – Wilton’s small businesses are working hard to make it easy to shop by offering options: shopping by Zoom,... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Vaccine Team, Wilton COVID Testing, Step Up CT& Case Data

December 8th –Wilton’s Vaccine Team is busy with plans as to how the Town will provide vaccinations.  The Team includes... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Post-Thanksgiving Growth, Santa’s Mailbox, Wilton COVID Testing, EO 9Q-Facilitating Vaccinations & Case Data

December 7th –Wilton Police, Social Services and Santa have teamed up to transform the absentee ballot box outside Police Headquarters into... more ››

Update: Town of Wilton sponsoring COVID testing for Wilton residents

The minimum number of attendees required at the December 11th COVID testing event (see below) has been removed and the event will... more ››

Coronavirus Update- Forward Movement, COVID Testing Sign-Up & Case Data

December 4th – Wilton’s Adrienne Reedy outshone the tree with her performance at tonight’s tree lighting.  If you missed the broadcast, you... more ››

Town of Wilton sponsoring Covid Testing for Wilton Residents

The Town is sponsoring PCR COVID testing for Town of Wilton residents on Friday, December 11th from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm at Comstock... more ››
